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To e x p e r i e n c e physical e n d u r a n c e and resist d r a g

on propulsive force, dancers explore different movements with
different limbs in different scenarios. As the m o v e m e n t s build
up over time, the process of change in shape due to pressure
and energy consumption creates an instantaneous exit from
the equilibrium between motion and stillness.

When an artist experiments with bodily endurance, they feelthe same bottomless demand we feel ourselves. Such a stateis the cadence and pace at which the body moves in thedirection of modern culture. Mechanization and quantificationhave b e c o m e the b a s i c e l e m e n t s of material production insociety. As both producers and consumers, we proceed withina non-linear temporal consciousness, striving physically andmentally to pursue time while also being pursued by time.Existing in the midst of this predicament, we must interpretthe intermeshing state of chasing and being chased.In the process of this work, the artist observes the closelyconnected partnership between the body and the will, whichperpetually adjusts and extends life. Within these constraints,it extracts all kinds of freedoms. Conversely, it also bears theweight of life, fragile yet tenacious, solid as a rock yet readyto crumble.

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